Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Reclaimed Upcycled Jar with Etched Glass Easter Bunny

I finally have felt well enough to get some much needed crafting done. I love to be creative, and not being able to be is torture. For Christmas I got a small hand held Dremel. I asked for this for the sole purpose of learning to etch on glass. Unfortunately, when I got everything ready to try it the other night, I realized I somehow managed to throw away the charger piece. I was so annoyed with myself. My husband ran to Ace to see if they had the same model, which was very affordable. They did not, but he came home with a fancier model, which was really not needed. But, I did sit down with it, to give it a try. You can see the results below. Now this bunny is not perfect, but the wine glass I did was not cool. Smaller is definitely harder, with glass etching. I also don't care for the whole concept of printing the image, taping it to the inside of the glass, then etching over the image. It just doesn't work great, imo. Next time I will try to draw out my own image with Sharpie marker, etch over it, then removed the marker before it gets a chance to set, using alcohol. Not sure I will like that either, but I will try it. This first piece will be table decor for me, until after Easter, then a planter. I could sell it, but it is not perfect, so nah.

 I also have some new jewelry pieces done, just have to get them listed in my Etsy store. Stop by, and check out all my great items.

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