I have in the past, but not for quite some time sold on Ebay. I currently sell on Etsy. There is also Artfire, Craigs List, and Ecrater as selling options. If you would not mind sharing your experiences, I would love to know the following things:
I currently sell on Ebay with success.
I currently sell on Ebay but with no success.
I currently sell on Etsy with success.
I currently sell on Etsy with no success.
I currently sell on Craigs List with succes.
I currently sell on Craigs List with no success.
I currently sell on Ecrater with success.
I currently sell on Ecrater with no success.
I currently sell on Artfire with success.
I currently sell on Artfire with no success.
If you have had success on another venue, please share.
Please indicate what kind of items you have, or have not been successful selling. I sell jewelry, and have had 27 sales on Etsy in a little over a year. It has been too long to remember Ebay, but I did not sell handmade items there mostly kids toys, clothes, etc. Thank you in advance for all of you that are willing to share your thoughts and experiences.
I sell handwoven seed bead jewelry. I do have an Etsy shop. It's is slow but I sell enough to keep me working at it. When I first started I sold on Ebay and at that time it was wonderful. Now is a whole different story. If I sell it is almost alway's at my starting bidding price so I don't make a profit. The fee's have climbed tremendously. Each time I list an auction I say that's it no more. And then I try again a few weeks later and am further disappointed. I do have a Zibbet shop, been there One year next month and not a single sale, ever.
So of the three I have tried, Etsy is the only one that keeps me working at this.
I sell on Etsy and Artfire. I've been on Etsy for less than a year and sold 47 things. On Artfire I only listed a handful of items and sold 1 - I'm sure if I put more time into it I would sell more. But I have to say that I haven't done much to promote myself. I started a website and couldn't keep up with it.
I recently came across this site on how to get results selling jewelry - haven't had time to read much but it looks helpful.
So Etsy is the current big winner. Thank you for your input it is much appreciated.
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