Thursday, August 4, 2016

Art Challenge Day 9: Clouds

For my clouds topic, I decided to use photography as my art choice. Summer time, here in FL, can produce magnificent clouds, both the puffy kind, and stormy kind. Below you will see some of my favorites taken over the course of this Summer. School starts next week, here in FL, so we should get back to a more normal schedule, and I hope to get some new gemstone posts up. My kids don't actually go back to school until Sept, because we homeschool, but they both will be starting two classes next week, only a couple days a week. I will be glad to get back to a normal schedule, lol I may end up painting one, or more of these pics, that will be fun. I am still working on a painted poinsettia tablecloth, that is taking way longer than I expected. It should be done early next week, I hope. It is quite beautiful.

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