Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Healing Properties Of Amethyst

A lot of people love the color purple. Since there are so many variations to the color purple, it is hard to say just one single hue of purple is the best. However the dark purple Amethyst is the most prized in the gemstone collecting world. It is thought to be the color of royalty, bringing power and strength. The video below will share the healing properties of those that wear Amethyst. A lot of gemstones, especially in the quartz family like Amethyst, are thought to hold healing elements to anyone that wears it. Amethyst can be both a feminine and masculine gemstone, and is the traditional birthstone for those born in the month of February.


Reeni said...

Amethyst is my birthstone and I'm so glad - I love it!

Melissa said...

I remember you saying that Reeni, so happy birthday at some point this month.

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