Monday, October 14, 2013

Wish List and Cardinal Art Work

I am making out my wish list, for new jewelry settings, and semi mounts.  I am also adding to that list supplies to begin learning to make resin jewelry.  I have so many cool ideas to do with resin.  Can't wait to get that underway.  Don't forget, that from now until Christmas, you can make me an offer on items you are interested, in my Etsy store.  If I think the offer is reasonable I will accept it.  So, be sure to check my store often, and make some offers. There are a few pieces of art work shown below.  Each Monday, the kids and I, paint a bird.  This week my daughter picked the Cardinal.  I painted mine with a male and female.  Both kids decided to just do a male Cardinal.  DJ's is done in colored pencils, while mine and Caitlin's is done in acrylic paints.  I also painted some pink flowers and Buckeye Butterflies to put in a team treasury this week, for the On Fire for Handmade, Etsy team.  The last item, is a test item.  I have some homeschool friends in IL, that are looking for some pen pals as they study the states.  So, the kids and I are making them and extra special Florida gift package.  Since I like to paint, I decided to make my own postcard.  The one shown is just a sample, and done on orange card stock.  I like the orange coming through the sky tones, but it distorts everything else too much, and the waves are wonky.  So, I will get white card stock and try again next week.  We are sending them a special Christmas ornament, and tons of links where they can learn about the area of FL we live in.  Tell me your thoughts on my newest art work. 

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