Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easyshop 360 A Giveaway A Day!

I joined Easyshop 360 just the other day. It was $3.60 , quite affordable if you ask me. They are doing a giveaway a day, and my Peridot ring is the giveaway for day 6. I donated this Peridot ring to the giveaway. If you are an August baby, and have been craving a fine Peridot ring, then get on it and join. If you would like to enter, you can go back everyday and enter again, click this link. Be sure to check out all the giveaways, and enter any that you want. It ends at the end of April. Be sure to read the rules and terms, so you understand. If you would like to join Easyshop 360 click the join button. Since I am new to the website, I am still learning about the business and all the benefits to it. Shasha is a wonderful hostess, and owner of the site, she advertises members items on FB pretty much all day. It is pretty cool. I am sure she does other stuff, that I am not yet aware of, lol.


sara said...
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Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

Never heard of this before...will have to go check this site out. Thanks for the heads up! ; )
P.S. Gorgeous ring!

allen said...

that stone have beautiful color..i like that green stone in rings,,,,

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