Friday, March 13, 2015

Time For Some Changes

March has already proven to be an interesting month.  Some in a good way, and some not so good.  My 6 month experiment for Ebay vs Etsy is done.  I have made some observations and conclusions.  Yes, I did sell on Ebay. Not a ton, but more than I have on Etsy.  But, my fees were substantially higher, and though handmade items can be sold on Ebay, customers there are not willing to pay for what you think your hard work and effort is worth.  You don't really have to advertise your goods on Ebay, that is taken care of for you.  With Etsy self promotion is extremely important, and needed.  Etsy listings last three months, Ebay only 30 days for store listings.  So, with all that said my Ebay store will be closed as of April 1st.  My inventory will slowly be moved back to Etsy, and some will be saved for gifts and donations for the needy.  I have several items ready to be donated, I just have not had time to prepare them to be shipped.  I will use Ebay still, for an occasional awesome auction, and to sell used clothes and other items we no longer want or use. 

I will be going back to school, shortly.  That means I will have substantially less time for creating new items.  I have a huge inventory anyways, so that might not be a bad thing.  I will continue to paint when I can, but crocheting and jewelry making will probably go by the way side.  I will continue to blog, and add cool tutorials and info, so that won't change.  My Jewelry in Candles experiment also didn't work out, so that will be removed from the blog as well.  My Etsy store widget will be added once again. 

I think that is it for now.  Have an awesome weekend!

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