Monday, June 15, 2009

Beaded Bezel Two and Three

So yesterday I got some time to practice learning the beaded bezel technique. I am getting a better grasp of it, but it is far from perfect. I do know I like the smaller beads much better than the larger beads. I like the flexible beading needle much better than the non flexible type. Irregular cabachons are extremely more difficult than an oval, or round. The oval one is lovely, though if you look close you can see my mistakes. It is a Blue Chalcedony gemstone. The other is a picture Jasper, that was given to me in freeform. It has a very sharp angled edge, that was extremely difficult to bead around. The blue one I probably could have added one more row, and the Picture Jasper I wish I had left off a row of the big beads. At any rate, I am getting better, and am determined to make them perfect. By the way to my mom, if she reads this, I told you I could make it into a pendant, without using beads, or making a beaded necklace, so there LOL. So what do you think? Pretty good, or got a real long ways to go yet? I am open to honest educational criticism.


Laura said...

Thanks for showing your work, It looks great.

betchai said...

I must be really very poor in jewelry design Melissa, that even if clicked the picture to enlarge it and check closely for the mistake you were saying, I could not find it :). Hope you get to make them perfect like what you said, and maybe you can share here again the pictures.

Melissa said...

Thank you Laura and Betchai. I suppose I can see the mistakes because I did them.

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