Saturday, January 30, 2010

Color Change Zandrite

I actually own two of these beautiful stones. I bought them probably six years ago, when JTV first offered them, and I put them in gold earrings. Wore them all the time, then my puppy ate one out of my ear, and I had to pry his mouth open to get it. I have since placed one in a ring, and the other is still waiting for a home. This is a manmade gemstone, not a natural gemstone. It changes from a purple, to blue, and it is really lovely. I hope to add more to my collection. I love them! There are two different color choices the purple to blue, or the pinkish red, to green which is referred to as Alexandrite Zandrite. I do not own any of the Alexandrite version, just the purple to blue.


betchai said...

oh, you are really a certified gemstone collector, Melissa, i have not heard of these stones before, i know you have a lot of different kinds, but i won't be surprised if there are still a lot not in your list

Melissa said...

I have quite a collection now. It has taken at six, or seven years, and there are so many more I want.

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