This first shown right here was a sapphire semi mount to hold a 9mm round stone. Well first off the shape of the ring was not round, but oval first complaint. Second complaint is the prongs were crappy. This is a four prong ring, two broke off immediately. I was very upset and was going to send it back, when I realized that I had my pink South Sea pearl that I left undrilled and it set in there so nicely. So I just folded over the two prongs, and voila a beautiful ring. At first I thought it was odd looking, but my son said it was unique. Odd and unique could be synonyms, but I love it. On a positive note the Sapphires in this semi mount are exceptionally bright and beautiful.
Next is my color change Garnet semi mount. I had tried to order this particular semi mount three other times, and it was out of stock in my size each time. The kids actually picked both of these settings with no urging from me, and I was so happy when it arrived. I can not get a good clear picture of it though, which stinks. I will try again outside in natural sunlight to see what I get. It has six color change Garnets, three on each side, with a 6mm round head for a gemstone. I placed a clear stone in the center, which actually has a slight tint of blue to it outside. The Garnets change from a lovely minty green color, to a champagne orange color sometimes even look pink. This is my first color change Garnet purchase, and it was something I would definitely buy again.
My mom also gave me two watch faces, so I can make beaded bands for them. I am very excited about that. Plus more floss to finish my counted cross stitch pieces.
I had one jewelry sale from my Etsy store, and it was a nice one. I hope the special lady he bought it for will love it. From now until Jan 2, 2012 I am offering free shipping with the code newyears2012. This is for domestic shipping only. So hop on over to my store and start shopping for Valentine's Day.