Wednesday, January 29, 2014

White and Red Bleeding Heart Flowers with Ruby Throated Hummingbird Hand Painted Custom Gift Bag

This is a hand painted gift bag, my personal favorite so far. It is White and Red Bleeding Heart Flowers, with a Ruby Throated Hhummingbird. I have been working on lots of resin pieces too. Yesterday, I tried one of my flower sections in the big heart resin, eh didn't like how it came out. I will share it in another post. So, instead I measured the size of the heart mold, drew on on my painting paper and made a second painting to fit the heart. Now tomorrow I will cut it out and set it in resin. Hopefully it will work and I will have a beautiful Christmas ornament to offer my buyers. I will be working on more of these in the future. It is actually much easier to paint the piece out, even though it is small and not easy, and then insert that into the resin, than to paint on the resin. That was a big fail. This bag is available for purchase in my Etsy store, I am slowly getting all items into my Ecrater store as well. Both of my stores widgets can be found in the side bars of this blog. Stay tuned to see more of my work. Caitlin no longer likes me to clean while she is doing homeschooling, too distracting, so I have to do something more quiet, lol. Bummer, I have to do crafty stuff!

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