Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Special Thank You, and One Cool Gift Idea

This morning I got a wonderful email stating this blog was featured on a list of gift giving idea blogs, at As the Cracker Head Crumbles. I must say a special thank you, and ask you all if you get a minute, to check his blog, and see all the sites he has placed on the list. Especially if you have not started shopping yet, you are running out of time. He chose to show my Guardian Angel pin, available for purchase in my Etsy store. My mom makes these lovely pins, and I place them in my store for her. It is a bisque cameo set on a goldtone pin. If you have a Guardian Angel in your life, or you would just like to wear one on your shoulder, this is a lovely gift idea.

Then I have to share this simply cool gadget I bought yesterday, for our home computer. If you read any of my other blogs, you know my kids are bug fanatics, me not so much. But Jewelry Television was selling these cool bug computer mouses, and I simply had to get one for Christmas gifts. I wanted the scorpion, but they were all sold out, so I got this cool beetle. There is also a spider, crab, and I think starfish. They light up, and are real working computer mouses. I just thought I would share it, in case someone needs a cool gift idea, and doesn't know what to get.


Unknown said...

Thank you so very much for this very honorable mention. It just "came" to me this evening (very early morning, actually) that not only are you teaching your children book-learnin' stuff, you are also giving them hands-on experience in the world of commerce through your endeavors here. So, WELL DONE!

By the way, that is a super cool mouse. I wonder if the bug flips over on its back when the computer crashes? In any event, I hope you don't find out.

P.S.: I was just reminded of the fact that live in the Gainesville, FL area. I suppose there are some very sad people around there tonight.

Melissa said...

Ha Ha I hope I never have to find out either. Yes there are a bunch of us in the Gainesville area that are very sad today.

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