Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 1: 30DOC Theme Toys

I am once again participating in the 30 Days of Creativity Challenge. I pledge that every day, for thirty days in June, I will create something each day. There are themes you can follow, or you can do as you wish. I do try to follow along with the themes. Creative can mean different things to different people. You probably create stuff everyday and don't even realize it. Some things are planned and some are just naturally occurring. Companies pay people big bucks to be creative in advertising. I homeschool my children, and I need to be creative not only in the lessons I give them, but in the way I teach the lessons. One of the things that bugged me most about public school, is that it was so boring in the sense of the way the material was presented. It could be so much more creative. My kids and I, will be sharing varieties of creativeness through, learning, teaching, photography, art, crochet, paint and upcycling. One of our favorite ways to be creative is to find ways to reuse things. I will be sharing all kinds of neat stuff. But, for today, Day One, the theme is Toys. I crocheted this baby infant play mat with an aquatic theme. As you can see it is not quite complete. I ran out of time, lol. This mat will stimulate baby visually and through touch. Each yarn used has a different texture and thickness, as well as color. He or she will be able to feel the types of yarn and touch the fishies, which of course won't have all those strings hanging off them. This will be available in my Etsy store once it is completed. What did you create for day 1? Tomorrow the theme is spiders. Since I work third shift on Saturdays I will get a late start tomorrow and will have to whip up something quick. Even I can't wait to see what I come up with, lol!

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