Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 4: Theme Pineapples #30DOC

OOH we were all kinds of creative today. I had my husband pick up a fresh pineapple from the store, last night. After I cut off the top, we planted it. It will hopefully grow a pineapple tree. We have done this with other foods like cabbage and celery and it worked. Never a tree though. Then I made a pineapple salsa, and it was so good. I have never had pineapple salsa before. The recipe is mine and it is below. It is chilling in the fridge to have on chicken for dinner tomorrow night. Then I attempted to paint pineapples on Caitlin's fingernails. This is my first try doing this and actually it is quite difficult especially on such tiny fingers. I definitely need bigger fingers and a thinner script liner. Anyway this may be one of the last days I stick to the theme. I started a new crochet project, that fits no theme, but I do have a few other theme projects to do when they come up. What did you create today? Pineapple Salsa: Chop two cups of fresh pineapple, chop five tomatoes, chop one small sweet onion, chop one green pepper, squeeze all the juice from one lime, add some garlic and some fiesta spice mix. Mix it all together and let it chill and blend. It is delicious and if you love fish it would be awesome with fish.

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