Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Night Owl in Tree Painted Resin Heart

I was so excited today to give painting on the resin another try. I will tell you how I came up with this almost finished piece. First I mixed the resin, and added a tiny bit of black acrylic paint to the resin. I used a toothpick this time rather than squeezing a drop in. Even a drop was too much and it changed the property of the resin. After mixing it, it was this awesome smoky color, like when it just starts to get dark. Then I added the owl sticker to the resin, and let it cure 12 hours. If you use silicone molds the resin cures much faster. This was a silicone mold, my others take a full day. Then I popped out the cured piece, that is the very first picture.  Then I painted on the tree trunk, branches, leaves and moon.  I tried brown paint, but that did not show up well enough, so I ended up using black paint.  You can see the results in the bottom two images.  After I let it set a few days, I will seal it with a spray sealer, and then add a glaze over it.  Last but not least I will drill a hole and it will become my newest Christmas ornament.  It will be available in my Etsy store, with all my other cool resin pieces.  I made some more resin with gemstones too, but have not shared those yet.  So, watch for them soon.


Cindy White said...

What a wonderfully creative way to use resin! I am just learning the usual ways to use it (over my mosaic jewelry) and having tons of problems with it. This is inspiring me to keep at it. Great post!

LanasArtStudio said...

I like to use resin for my small paintings as top cover... Thank you for tips of using it!
Your owl so sweet and whimsical! xx, lana
( your blog team )

Melissa said...

Cindy White, what kinds of problems are you having. I am still fairly new myself, but maybe we can figure it out together. I have had lots of oops, but I don't always share those, lol.

Lanasartstudio, I saw where that can be done. I paint also, but I have never put resin over it, but I hear it is a nice glossy shine.

Gari Anne said...

Such a cute pendant! I tried resin once, but actually didn't spend much time working with it, maybe I will again some day! Great post!

Melissa said...

Thank you, Gari Anne. I really am enjoying the resin, but I still love the traditional jewelry settings the most.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the jeweled resin pieces. Please post them soon.
I'm a fairly new member of Team Fest, 4 months and just subscribed to your newsletter today so I can receive it at my regular email address.
Little Gems and More

Little Gems and More said...

Sorry, forgot to "choose an identity" before leaving a comment.

Melissa said...

Yes, Ellie I will share them soon. I only have a few done. Thank you and Team FEST is awesome!

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