Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What Have I Been Up To?

My newest project is a tire garden. I had old tires donated to me, which is a bit tricky because they are all different sizes. I had to prop some up to make it more level. Now I just need three more cans of paint, one more board, and start filling with dirt. Three tires already have stuff planted in them. I will show the final result, when it is finished. I am still working on the crochet wall hanging for the fire dept, here where we live. I have not decided, yet, how I am going to do the logo. I have never crocheted a logo before, so it could be interesting. I took about 400 pictures yesterday, of my resin pieces, and jewelry. I got some really good shots. I did get to sand some of my pieces, to last night, and will have new pieces in my Etsy store soon. That is what I have been up to. How about you?


Cindy White said...

LOVE your colorful tire garden! What a great way to recycle. Good for you!!

Melissa said...

Because we homeschool, learning to recycle and upcycle is a fun way to learn about the environment. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Saying hello from All About Blogspot

Melissa said...

Hello, Alew Photography. Thank you for stopping by.

A. Sparkle said...

That looks like such a fun project! What will you plant in them? Taking hundreds of pictures is something I do too. I tend to be a bit picky when it comes to photos. It's crazy bc I only end up using like, five or six out of them all. Have a great wknd!

Melissa said...

I know me too, lol! It is hard to get good pictures without a really expensive camera, especially for shots of small or fine things like jewelry.

So far I have a Christmas Cactus in one, and Bleeding Hearts in two others, but they don't seem to be doing so hot. It is still early though. I have not decided yet what to put in the others.

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