Monday, November 29, 2010

Cyber Monday Deals At Amazon

It is Cyber Monday, and only 26 days until Christmas. Every hour Amazon has a new deal, you can view them below and get shopping


Split Rock Ranch said...

Did you have very many sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Am I blind or is your Entrecard widget missing? My ad is supposed to be running today but I can't find the widget, even after refreshing the page several times.

Melissa said...

I left you a comment on your blog about my widget. Thanks for stopping by.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Oh, okay - did you know that entrecard is still accepting ads for your blog, even though you have removed the widget? In order to prevent people from getting charged credits for ads that don't appear on your blog, you need to remove your blog from entrecard. Thanks!

Melissa said...

No I didn't. I only have my homeschool blog on there, and the others have not been approving ads. I will have to check and refund anyone that has bought them. I am not sure if I want to return completely, that is why I did not delete them. I will have to make a decision, thank you.

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