Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Waiting For Christmas

I got to paint today, and tomorrow I can't wait to share the Salvation bracelet's my daughter's church class will be making with me. This new bag is called, Waiting for Christmas. It was not exactly what I visioned, lol. I practiced my trees ahead of time, as you can see on the paper underneath the bag. I used three different brushes, and picked the one I liked best. Unfortunately my tree came out bigger than I wanted and I have to practice ribbons and lights, but it is a nice tree. It didn't leave me much room, so I added a fireplace and fire to the picture. It will be available to purchase in my Ecrater store, by tomorrow. Then I practiced some Poinsettias. I love them, but they never look quite right. I am getting closer though, and was quite pleased with the ones I practiced today. My next bag might be Poinsettias. Finally, I got one of my older paintings framed. This frame was much more affordable than the heavier wooden ones, so the price will be considerably lower for the art work in these frames. It too will be available in my Ecrater store, tomorrow. You can visit my Ecrater store, by clicking on one of the banners shown on this blog. I offer a nice layaway service so be sure to ask about that.

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