Sunday, December 29, 2013

Shipping Framed Paintings New Rule

I finally shipped one of my framed pieces of art work, and it was way more expensive than I realized it would be. So, for now all my paintings will be pictured framed, but price and shipping will be decreased because I will not be shipping them framed. This will save on shipping and hassles for everyone involved. If you absolutely want it framed, you need to contact me for exact shipping fees, and times to have it shipped framed.

The above disclaimer is now posted with all my original acrylic pieces of art.  I painted a picture for my fil for Christmas, and oh my it was expensive to ship.  So, all paintings will be shipped unframed.  It is not that expensive to get one framed, and it saves so much hassle.  However, if someone really wants it shipped framed, I will do it, but exact shipping will have to be paid.  The box alone, and bubble wrap was almost 10 dollars.

Tomorrow, is the big day!  I finally get to play with my new resin supplies.  I will do some painting as well, at least that is the plan.  I have so many projects I want to do.  

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