Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Resin Oops and Upcycled Jar Tops Into Picture Frames

I don't know what is up with Blogger, or maybe it is Firefox, but adding images to my blog has become a real hassle. Anyways, almost a year ago, I painted a huge tree on my living room wall. This was to be our Family Tree. The first frames I tried, and loved, were actually magnets that I just added a sticky square to. Some of them stuck, some refused. So I crocheted a few, they were OK, but not exactly what I was looking for. Because I paint on recycled glass jars, I have tons of the lids that I have just thrown into a box. Yesterday, I put a picture into one and sealed it over with resin. Yes, this did use about 20cc of resin, but I really like the glossy and clean look it has when finished. You can see it on the tree. Right below it is just a rectangle resin piece with a picture in it. I like these the best, but not all pictures will be this small. So, I will have to make a happy medium of the lids and plain resin pieces. I do not like the wooden frames at all, just doesn't look the way I want. The other image is an idea I had while eating Lays Stax. The lid is perfectly round and flexible. Plus I thought it was the perfect size for a nice focal pendant, or Christmas ornament. So, just to try it, I put in four gemstones, a tiny bit of glitter and again, 20cc of resin. It popped out nice and easy, no problems there. I really like how it came out, with one tiny problem, the lid has to lays logo embedded in it, lol. I don't know if you can see it in the image but it is there nicely set in resin. Oh well, I will do something with it. Since it is our birthstones maybe a Christmas ornament.


Gifts From the Kitchen said...

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A. Sparkle said...

Awww.. I love the idea of painting a family tree on the wall! It's always amazing how inspiration comes from everyday things we use in real life. :)

Melissa said...

Thank you, to both of you. I love the tree on the wall, and I have no intentions of ever removing it, lol

Emelie Jensen said...

That's real clever! Going to keep this in mind for my girl when she gets bigger :D

from All About Blogspot

Melissa said...

I would paint on all my walls, if I had the time. We have a Thankful Tree on the back of the front door, a Haunted Tree on the front of the front door, and a Fall Scene on the back of the back door. I love trees, lol

Olena said...

I am absolutely love the idea of ​​the family tree! I hope someday I'll do the same :-)

Melissa said...

Thank you, Olena. If you do it be sure to share.

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