Friday, December 29, 2017

30 Days of Reflection: Day 1

As I stated previously, I am trying to increase my blogging with some new ideas besides just crafty stuff, or things I make. So, I am doing a 30 day blogging challenge, on reflecting. This is perfect for New Years. I do not usually do resolutions, but reflecting is something different. I will be making some resolutions, or goals for 2018, and increasing my blogging is one of them. So, lets pretend it is January 1st, lol, and start day one. I won't be doing 30 days of writing, 30 days in a row. Sorry, I am not that motivated to write, lol. But, I will get the full 30 days in. Day 1, and I found this list on Pinterest, is to name one thing I could do this month to improve my spiritual walk. Now my spiritual walk began many years ago, when I was a teen, and has been a bumpy, windy road. As I continue my walk, with age, comes some wisdom and strength that might not have been there before. Since reflecting is about getting to know yourself better, I can safely say that I jump to conclusions too quickly, especially emotionally. I am not an emotional person per say, but I do get them ugly thoughts in my head pretty quickly. Not ugly where I want to hurt someone, just ugly in spite, or anger, moodiness. So, one thing I would like to improve is to not do that. Just because something doesn't go exactly as planned, or someone annoys me, or does something I don't like, keep the ugly thoughts away. How do I do that? Good question, since I have fighting with this my whole life. But, one thing I am sure will help is to pray about it, and ask the Lord to help me bite my tongue, or bite my thoughts, lol. Sometimes ugly thoughts come out with ugly words. That is another whole issue, but if the thought isn't there the words won't come. When an ugly thought comes to mind, I will try to just shoo it away. I know it sounds kind of simple, but if I practice what I preach, meaning I teach my children to treat others the way you want to be treated, then my brain should know ugly thoughts do not fit into this. How will this help my spiritual walk? Because I can't love others, as myself, if I am having ugly thoughts about them every time I get a little annoyed. What is one thing you could do to improve your spiritual walk? Check back for day 2 coming soon. Join me if you like. If you do a post with this topic, please share link in comments, and I will check it out.

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