Thursday, September 1, 2011

Learning To Sew

My daughter Caitlin wanted to learn to sew. Since I can not sew, nor do I want to sew, my mother decided to help her. If any of you read my homeschool blog, you know we are going into our second year of 4H. We participate in county events, districts and some of the local fairs. Caitlin is only Clover Bud, so she is limited in what she can participate it. But, she can be in the fashion show. So my mom helped her make this cute horse pillowcase dress with lace and the red had kerchief. My mother also made the puppy bag Caitlin is holding for show. Caitlin didn't get to do too much, but she had fun learning what she did and would like to do more. I think we will look for a Cowgirl hat and boots, then put the kerchief around her neck. We had to do this early because my husband started firefighter classes and we are limited in car time to get to my moms to sew. I think it is adorable.


betchai said...

oh, she looks so cute, Melissa. I do not know how to sew too, and mostly, my projects then were because my late mom helped me or did the most :)

Melissa said...

Thank you Betchai. Moms are great like that.

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