Tuesday, January 2, 2018

30 Days of Reflections: Day 2

So, day 2 is supposed to be to reflect on what I would do if time froze for 1 hour for everyone except me.  Apparently the end result is that I would spend the hour reflecting on what I would do for that hour.  Good grief, that seems like a waste of time, LOL!

All the things I thought I would do, after thinking about it seemed wrong, even if for a good cause.  Here are some that I decided were not good ideas:

1-  Take all the dog, and pet food I can from local grocery stores, and take them to pet shelters feed the animals, and then leave the food there for the shelters to use.  Awesome idea, right?  No, because I would still be stealing even if for a good cause.  I would think that grocery stores would just give food to shelters, but I guess not.  Same for human shelters, but again the whole stealing thing.

2-  Take all the money from the bank and leave it with homeless, or needy people, or those that serve these populations.  Again, I would be stealing. 

3-  Drive as fast as I can to see how far I can get in an hour.  Not good, because what if I had a car accident there would be no one to  help me.  Or, what if the hour ended and I didn't know it was only an hour, and then I get killed in an accident because all the frozen cars will no longer be frozen.

4-  I even considered pranking all the people I could that were frozen in time.  But, it occurred to me what if I get caught, and end up with a black eye, or broken nose. 

See what I mean?  I spent almost an hour thinking about what I would do in an hour that I was the only person not frozen in time.  So, in conclusion, I would go somewhere peaceful, by water, meditate, clear my head and enjoy the peace and quiet for one hour.  Oh how beautiful that would be, and no thinking.  LOL!!!

What would you do for one hour if you were the only person frozen in time?  

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