Prehnite, is an amazing gemstone, at least to me. It exhibits, an inner glow, unique to this gemstone. Cabachon gemstones, are usually the softer green, variety, like seen in the photo. Faceted Prehnite, is a much more intense green color, with a glow of fiery yellows. I do not own any faceted Prehnite, but it is on my long list, of gemstones to own. The cabachon variety, of Prehnite, is a soft green color, and it is almost mesmerizing. It is like looking into a crystal ball. I get several compliments on this ring. There is also Golden Prehnite, which is a newer find of the gemstone, and is a very soft golden yellow color. I have only seen it in cabachon form, not faceted, and I believe I own at least one piece of that variety.
Prehnite, has a 6-6 1/2 hardness, according to the Mohs Hardness Scale. It was named after a Dutch colonel. It has a vitreous to mother of pearl luster. Deposits of Prehnite, can be found in Australia, China, Scotland, South Africa, and the USA.