Tomorrow, November 30, 2009 is Cyber Monday. Shop in my Etsy store, and you will get 10% off, and free shipping. Be sure to check OTHER when cashing out, and use Cyber09 in the comment section, so I know you are using the special deal. Cyber Monday for my Etsy store will run from Midnight to Midnight, Eastern Pacific time. I also offer a free layaway service, so be sure to ask about that. Happy Shopping.
On a side note, I am offering any company who can get me a Zhu Zhu pet hamster, before Christmas for the 8 dollar asking price, a option to get free advertising on all three of my blogs. Contact me at darien04@gmail.com for information. You must get the hamster to me, before the advertising will kick in. You can be a national store, or an Ebay seller. I just need one hamster, for 8 dollars please, and I will pay with Paypal.