Monday, August 5, 2019

Birthday Sale in My Etsy Shop and Pattern by Etsy Shop 8/8/19

On August 8, 2019 I will be 50 years old, and I am having a one day sale in both of my Etsy shops.  I will be adding some new inventory, a very long process, since I closed my Etsy shop down at the end of last year.  This sale will be 35% off all items.  Please stop by, using the links below, and see if there is something you might love. 

Regular Etsy shop Melissas Awesome Gems

Pattern by Etsy shop  the Pink Flamingo

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Christmas in July Sale Starting 7/25 Peridot Earrings

OK, My Christmas in July sale starts in two days.  It will run from 7/25/19- 7/31/19.  All items will be 25% off, plus free domestic shipping for USA buyers.  Below see these beautiful handmade Peridot earrings.  Peridot is a grass green natural gemstone, and is the birthstone for August.  The leverback earrings are sterling silver.  They are 30 dollars regular price, and on sale they will be only $22.50 with free domestic shipping to USA buyers.  Click this link to visit my Pattern by Etsy shop, and save to buy when sale starts.  I have other Peridot items as well, and they too will be on sale.  Don't miss this!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Christmas in July Sale!

Hello, all my fantastic readers!  My new Pattern by Etsy shop is having a Christmas in July sale, from 7/25-7/31 25% off, plus free domestic shipping.  If you click the link below it will take you to a video showing all items.  If you prefer to go right to my store, click here. 

Are you having a Christmas in July sale?  Check out the banner available from Amazon, below.  I love Christmas and it is time to start shopping.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Have You Ever Considered Affiliate Marketing?

OK, I am going to be  honest, I have an Amazon affiliate account, and I have not used it in years.  Dumb right?  It is a little intimidating, Affiliate  Marketing.  I am wanting to get back into Affiliate Marketing for products I love, and believe in.  Most will be education, or health related, because that is my niche.  I am currently looking around, and applying.  Obviously I need to use the one I already have, which is Amazon. So, check out the book below to help you get started with Affiliate Marketing. 

You can check out my other blogs below
Melissas Homeschool
Health Buddy Melissa
Pink Flamingo

Monday, July 1, 2019

4th of July Sale in My Store the Pink Flamingo

Happy July 1st!  So my new Etsy Pattern store, the Pink Flamingo is having it's first sale.  Some items have free shipping.  All but two are marked down 20%, if you are interested in one of the other two that the sale price is not showing I will refund money after purchase.  Sale runs from today until July 7th.  Run over and check it out by clicking here

I have not started my crochet market bag yet, but now that my CEU's for my nursing license are done I can concentrate on some other things.  I really need to just do a few of them a month, and I won't get stuck doing them all at the end.  Good grief!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Crochet A Market Bag to Help Reduce Plastic Waste

So, my daughter is all into the environment, all of a sudden.  She wants me to buy produce without plastic.  OK, that is good, I guess.  But, how am I supposed to get it home?  So, I am going to make some market bags, using some lovely yarn I have leftover from another project.  I have not started it yet, though, lol.  Below is a video tutorial, if you would like to learn to make a crochet market bag too.  I do better with reading patterns, then watching a video, but if you are more of a visual learner, or new to crocheting, the video will be perfect for you.  Share your pics in the comments, if you try it.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Affordable Website or Product Reviews

So, along with revamping this blog, I also restarted up a whole new Etsy Pattern store called, Pink Flamingo.  One of the things I am offering is website or product reviews.  The review will be posted to all 3 of my blogs, and to all my social media, except Instagram.  I can't learn to like Instagram.  I have Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and Pinterest.  I used to do product reviews, a lot, years ago, before my kids activities got crazy.  Now, they are older, and I can concentrate on work from home jobs, again.  All reviews must be purchased in my store, so click here to see more details, and purchase.  I will be offering some more promoting offerings in the future. 

Monday, May 27, 2019

Crafting with Clay Pots

Working with clay pots is one of my most fun Summer activities.  You can make adorable garden accessories, and can be housewarming gifts or used for graduation and wedding parties.  They are versatile.  Watch the video below for some good ideas, but remember not to copy other people's work.  Let it be a spark to your own creativity.  I am currently working on some new solar lights using clay pots.  The clay people are especially fun, but I don't find them to be all that durable, or easy to move around. 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

My New Pattern by Etsy Website

I know I haven't been around in a while.  I have been busy, busy, busy.  My new Wordpress blog is up and running, and I have 65 followers there already.  I will upgrade that blog when I reach 100 followers.  It is a health coach blog.  I am not a certified health coach, but I am a licensed nurse, and everyone knows nurses are already health coaches.  So, I am hoping that little blog will be my retirement business.  That is the goal anyways.

As for this blog, it will be a little bit of everything kind of blog, all about I can do things maybe I didn't think I could, or you.  It is to motivate, and hopefully inspire.  After almost a year off from Etsy, I decided to start from scratch on their Pattern by Etsy platform.  I have so much inventory, from the old shop, and so many new things I want to create.  You can only create so many things for yourself.  I love making things!  Below is the link to my store, Pink Flamingo, cool name huh.  My daughter thought of it, and lucky for me I had quite a few photos of pink flamingos.  Of course I still have my homeschool blog, which has been a little neglected also.  It is so hard when they are older and we are not doing crafts or field trips all the time.  We are starting Summer Vacation soon, so I can mix things up over there a bit too. 

Check out my new shop, Pink Flamingo, and let me know what you think.  Not many items yet.  There is a listing there for website and product reviews.  So, if you need an affordable one, check it out.  

Monday, January 14, 2019

Upcyled Paper Valentine's Day Decor

I am very bad at decorating for Valentine's Day.  Matter of fact try never.  So, I decided since I am trying to get my daughter more enthused about Artsy stuff we would do some Valentine's Day decorations.  If  you are like me you have a ton of books, magazines maybe even newspaper lying around.  This cool lady shared some easy Shabby Chic ideas using old paper.  We are definitely going to try this.  I will share our results after we get them done.  This holiday will be here soon, so if you want to join in better get going.  If you join in, share a pic in the comments.  I would love to see what everyone else comes up with.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Learn To Write An Article

A lot of this blog, over the years, has centered on making things.  But, there are other creative things that can be made, or improved on.  For instance, writing.  I am not an eloquent writer, and sometimes I am too lazy to proofread what I write.  This is not a good thing.  So, I will be sharing a bunch of tutorials on improving writing skills.  Follow along if you wish.

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