Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chrome Diopside The Kelly Green Gemstone

This picture did not come out very good. This ring, I made, using a semi mount purchased from Rio Grande. I then set the Chrome Diopside, into the setting. Chrome Diopside, is a completely natural gemstone. It gets no treatment at all, to get that wonderful color. It comes mainly from Siberia, though are a few other smaller sources. It has a Mohs Hardness of 5-6, on the hardness scale. That does not make it the toughest gemstone, and care should be taken when cleaning, and wearing Chrome Diopside. Some companies refer to Chrome Diopside, as the Siberian Emerald, it is not an Emerald, and not even in the same family as an Emerald. The name comes from the lovely color. It is a gemstone with usually excellent clarity as well. If you dont own Chrome Diopside, you should. It is more affordable than Emeralds, with better color and clarity. If you are a May baby, this could be substituted for an Emerald, as your birthstone. This lovely ring, will be available later today for sale in my Etsy store http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6007466http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6007466

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